Creative Output
As an artist that is aware of Foundational Truth I am naturally aware that the optimal attitude of the artist is to release their creative output into the Public Domain immediately on completion ... so that it may be used and developed further, by those inspired by it. This ... declining of possessiveness ... is a bigger deal for Us than it might at first seem.
I release all of my creative output into the Public Domain as a matter or course ... a matter of ... 'Of course!'
The Celebrating My Self Series
Nobody was celebrating me ... so I decided to do it myself. A 6-part video series.
Songs & Music Videos
Some of my songs and music.
Poetry & Prose
1 small book of poetry, 2 fantasy novels and 7 short comicstrip scripts.
3 Strange Fictions
3 film dramas from a humble home hobbyist.
We Never Wake
In The Dream there are 3 ...
3 kinds of Dreamer:
The Nightmare Dreamer,
The Day Dreamer
and then there is
The Lucid Dreamer.
The Night Dreamer lives in fear.
The Day Dreamer lives in hope.
The Lucid quickly learns
if it has to be forced
then it won't.
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